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Do you cater to walk-in participants?
It depends. We may cater to walk-in participants if there will still be available slots. It is advisable that participants register early or before the start of the event. You may contact the secretariat to inquire confirmation of your registration and such other information pertaining to your itinerary and accommodation during the convention.

Do we get to pick the rooms ourselves? 
No. It is guaranteed that everyone will be well-accommodated. The assignment of rooms is administered by the hotel management. It is most likely that delegates from the same school will be assigned in the same room. 

How many people can stay in the hotel room? 
The hotel room ca accommodate 3-4 participants.

What does the 4,500 Php Stay-in Package include? 
The registration fee of 4,500 Php includes 4 days and 3 nights hotel accommodation with breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner, convention t-shirt and kits.


Do you accept stay-out participants?

Yes, we accept stay-out participants upon payment of Php 3,300. The payment includes the lunch, snacks, dinner, convention t-shirt and kits. Also they have to reassure the organizing team that they will be on time for the activities.

If we've already filled out the online registration and have not paid within 24 hours after the registration, would it still be accepted as a reservation? 
No. Online registration without the presentation of their corresponding deposit slip showing payment of their registration fee within 24 hours after the online registration shall be considered as not having confirm attendance to the convention. 

Is the Registration Fee refundable?

No. Once registration fee is received by the organizer, the same shall be considered non refundable if the participants decide not to attend the convention. Upon payment of the registration fee, the contract of hotel accommodation of the participants is perfected hence not subject to any refund or reimbursement.

What time should I check-in and check-out? 
Check-in time is exactly 2:00 pm on February 10, 2016 and Check-out time is exactly 12:00nn on February 13, 2016.  Late arrivals and delays in checking out, not attributable to the organizers shall be of the burden of the participants. Everyone is strictly adviced to come on time and check out early to avoid additional costs.








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