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Mindanao International Studies Society was organized by batch 2002-2003 and I recall that there was a constitution but I do not have a copy of it.


The first conference was held at Riverview Hotel in February of 2003 with the theme “Issues and Challenges Confirming Future Diplomats”. (Source: Mrs.HerminiaYaptenco, Founder of International Studies Program of Xavier University) 


The 2nd MISS conference was at the XU Little Theatre in Feb of 2004 with the theme “Issues and Trends in a Globalizing World”. 


The 3rd conference was at Alwana Hotel here [Cagayan de Oro City] with the theme “Image of Regionalism”. I have pictures of the 3 conferences. If I recall, MSU and Ateneo de Davao attended the 2nd and 3rd conferences here. I think the 4th conference was in Davao. 

“There was an invitation from MSU who hosted the conference in 2008 but we [ADC] did not go because of the safety factor.” (Source: Mrs.HerminiaYaptenco, Founder of International Studies Program of Xavier University) 


The organization then was called International Studies Society (ISS). Later, it was changed for Mindanao International Studies Society (MISS) as members of the society grew in number. 


Thus, with the hanging of the name of the organization, we now recognize the FOUR PILLAR SCHOOLS of this organization namely. Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan, Liceo De Cagayan University, Mindanao State University- Marawi and Ateneo de Davao University. 



Source: MISS Constitution and By-laws


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