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Day 1 - February 10 Wednesday


1:00-3:00pm - Registration


Opening Ceremonies - Cultural / Welcome Night

Attire: Cultural Attire


4:00pm   Call-time

5:00pm   Entrance of Colours

  • Prayer

  • National Anthem- XU Glee Club

5:15pm   Welcome Message 

       by Rev. Fr. Roberto C. Yap, SJ

5:30pm   Opening Remarks 

                 by Manilee Lorraine Pañares

5:45pm    MISS Video

  • Ignition Rite by the Premiers

6:00pm    Keynote Speaker

                 by Mayor Oscar S. Moreno

6:45pm    Dinner

7:30pm    Presentations


  • Glee Club

  • Other Schools

9:00pm    Convention Rules and Regulations


End of the Program



Day 2 - February 11 Thursday



Attire: Formal Attire


7:00am     Breakfast


                  by Luis Cruz
10:00am   Open Forum

10:15am   Snacks

10:30am   "ASEAN Political Security Community"                  

11:30am   Open Forum

11:45am   Lunch




Attire: Formal Attire


1:00pm   "ASEAN Economic Community"

                by Sec. Arsenio Balisacan of NEDA

2:00pm   Open Forum

2:15pm   Ice Breaker

2:30pm   "ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community"

                by Sec. Corazon Soliman of DSWD

3:30pm   Open Forum

3:45pm   Snacks

4:00pm   Groupings GTKY/ Assignment to competitions


Evening - Org Night

Attire: Org Shirt


6:00pm   Dinner

7:00pm   "Global Citizenship- A New Trend"

                by Engr. Alein Navares

8:00pm   Presentation of the MISS Organizations

  • Accomplished Activities by the Presidents

  • Performances per School

  • Inspirational Message by Herminia Yaptenco



Day 3 - February 12 Friday



Attire:  Group Shirt


7:00am   Breakfast

8:00am -11:30am  

                    Breakout Sessions

  • Youth and Education

  • Health

  • Peace and Security

  • Trade and Commerce

  • Culture

  • Human Rights

  • Environment

10:00am   Snacks

11:45am   Lunch



Attire: Group Shirt


1:00pm   “Youth as Agents of Change” 

                 by Jose Sixto Dantes III



  • War of the witz

  • Debate

  • Poster-Making

  • Dance Presentation Practice

5:00pm   Preparation for International Night


Evening- International Night

Attire: International Costume


6:00pm   Dinner

7:00- 9:00pm

                International Night

Policy Presentation




Keynote Speaker:  Jesus Domingo “ Youth in Diplomacy”



Day 4 - February 13 Saturday


Attire: Casual Attire


7:00am   Breakfast

8:00am   Bidding

9:00am   Awarding and Closing Ceremonies

                Closing Remarks

11:00am Early Lunch

1:00pm   Optional School and Museum Tour



*Tentative Program Flow



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